Friday, June 5, 2009

Kepincut Sambal Ceurik Plus Sangu Tutug Oncom

Kepincut Sambal Ceurik Plus Sangu Tutug Oncom
Wealth of culinary Cibiuk Garut district was able to make the tongue vibrate. Racikan sambal fresh with a spicy rice oncom the pulen spicy indeed arouse. Disantap warm puff with gurami fry the intricate and oseng leaves genjer the krenyes-krenyes, really do not have both of them!

Garut Regency is not only famous because dodolnya. Cibiuk from the district in the district sambalnya the famous cuisine, sambal Cibiuk. Sambal perhaps this was created by Fatimah, daughter Guardian Morning Sidik, spreader of Islam in Garut in the 18 century. Previously only certain people can enjoy this delicious condiment. Now, in many cities in West Java such as Jakarta, Bogor, Cianjur and have a restaurant that serves this sambal.

Therefore, in the afternoon when a drift in Jl. Pajajaran Bogor akan delicacy I remember this sambal. Restaurant condiment cibiuk was already moving to jl. Pangrango, with the name of Mirah Restaurant Cibiuk as a location with Mirah hotel. The location is at the end of the strategic road with the minimalist-style buildings surrounded-Saung Saung.

Like other restaurants Sunda, timbel rice, roasted rice, and rice oncom to be one of the special rice menu. No lag liwet rice called nasi liwet castrol. Food security is the other goldfish cobek, Gurame cobek, chicken bekakak, Gurame cobek, various vegetables and a variety of sambal tumis.

To feel nostalgic treat Sundanese cuisine, seporsi rice tutug oncom, Gurame fan, reuceuh bonteng, tumis genjer plus sambal ceurik order so we shall. The atmosphere is calm Saung, diselingi gemericik water and the songs we wait Sunda accompany the order. Stomach hungry imagine it's the fresh condiment Cibiuk.

Tutug oncom the vessel is presented in a banana leaf bamboo repose. Rice is stirred with sambal, oncom and emping black rice is a typical Sundanese that is quite rare. A reddish rice wrapped banana leaf side dish with fried chicken, salty fish jambal bread, tempe, tahu goreng and pohpohan and lettuce leaves as a supplement.

Fragrant aroma kencur collide with the garlic is very offensive. Pain pulen the rice and the spicy bite combined with a tasty fried chicken that is also fragrant. Delicacy rice tutug oncom this with the tamper gurami tasty fries that complicated. Gurami the fish meat in the soft, crunchy on the outside this does not leave the impression of land aroma at all. Tasty, spicy and delicious!

Sambal ceurik which is the typical Cibiuk presented in cobek wood. Sliced green tomatoes bruise, diselingan onion and green chili sauce looks a little bruised water. In a fresh sour taste fix immediately the tongue. Intricate texture of tomatoes, chili sauce, onion, basil and compete as if to give fresh stinging sensation on the tongue. Hm ... only worth a lot of fans this condiment! The terrible taste when fed with a shred of meat gurami intricate tasty!

Another dish that is no less enthralling reuceuh bonteng and tumis genjer. Reuceuh bonteng is sliced cucumber stirred with a red chilli and onion and a little watery so similar salad mentimun. Feeling fresh krenyes-krenyes tinge with a slightly spicy bite to make good in the mouth rinse.

Tumis leaves also appear genjernya beautiful fresh green color with no water. This indicates genjer large pan with the fire and quickly so that tektur renyahnya felt in the tongue. Without excessive additional ingredients, only garlic, and sliced red chilli, genjer this feels very tasty!

Bites of chili, spicy and slightly sweet, a quasi-typical Sundanese food. Overall there racikan in culinary Cibiuk this. Es sekoteng also be a tasty meal ending the day. Ice is not mixed with other ice fields avocado, young coconut, and fro, and seed pearls. Sweet condensed milk and ice create memaran ice is very fitting as pembilas mouth. Hmm .. raos pisan euy!

Saung Cibiuk Mirah
Jl. Parangrango No.32
Phone: 0251-8327675
Price: start from Rp. 5000.00 - Rp.50.000, 00/porsi
Opening hours: 11.00 - 21.00